
In a previous message 
I faced memory problems with the element constraint during the 
definition of my space. The concept of shared array implemented in the 
new version of Gecode (3.2.1) solved it.

However, a high memory consumption problem now occurs during execution. 
I suppose that it is also related to the element constraint (but I'm not 
completely sure). I tried to isolate a simple piece of code but failed 
to reproduce the problem. I also tried to identify the problem in debug 
mode but, at some point, I can not have access to the code (I'm using 
Visual Studio Express 2008). With the few information provided, it may 
be difficult to solve my problem. Is there a "classical" mistake that 
could explain this behavior ?

I can provide my code if needed but it is not very "digeste".

Thank you in advance for your help.


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