On Saturday 06 May 2006 20:27, al davis wrote: > How about doing it for gnucap? > > Lots of people have written front-ends and wrappers for Spice. > Gnucap really needs something like that, and to provide the > functionality of "nutmeg".
What open or closed file formats does gnucap support? A workaround could be to write data on one of the formats that the commercial tools support? I would really like to see something like CosmoScope from Synopsys in a GNU license. That tool can read hspice tr0, fsdb and some other formats. I think a good GNU waveform viewer is something missed long. Alternatively use one of the formats that labplot, qtiplot or qucs use. It should be possible to rip the interface from qucs, or even better, integrate gnucap into qucs so that we get a branch for people not interested in microstrip. -- Svenn