>That's a good question.  Something I've been struggling with and not 
>having time to clearly think over is a more complete set of GUI types of 
>functions I might need to support not only this but on down the road how 
>to set up a simulator.
>In the extreme short term, emacs will let the user specify the list of 
>schematics.  In the longer term, I'm just not sure.  It would be nice I 
>suppose to have a dialog box with the list of files and a way to 
>add/remove them.  I haven't come up with a simple way that doens't 
>involve moving more down the guile-gnome path (which I'd rather not go 

        The reason I ask this is because I have intentionally not
introduced any sort of directory layout or project file or arbitrary
arragement of files when dealing with "designs".  Back in the beginning
there were many discussions on what exactly constitutes a "design" and
nobody could really agree.  Based on that lack of agreement, I decided
that I wouldn't impose any sort of organization on people's designs and
they can decide for themselves how they want their schematics/symbols/etc

        However, I'm not opposed to a project file, in fact, the geda
program (gmanager/geda whatever) has a project file.  I'm thinking that I
might spend some time at the code sprint looking at the geda and seeing
what to do with it.  I'm certainly not suggesting that the geda project
file be used for pcb-mode, but I want to be careful that we don't end
up with N different project files.


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