Hi all,
I have updated the CVS with the changes I've been working on.
As there are a lot of changes, I wanted to do it before this Saturday's
Code Sprint.
The new features are:

  * when the user selects a component, the component can be moved just
by dragging it, without hitting the move command. It is enabled by
default as I think this improves usability for newbies. It is
configurable in the gschemrc file for advanced users. I was thinking
about also allowing to move an unselected component in the same way...
I'm not sure yet (opinions welcome).

  * allow rotate while moving/copying objects. It works, but there are
two issues needing to be fixed:
    - if the user hits the redraw command while copying and he rotated
the selection, the original selection is drawn rotated. I tried using
o_undo_savestate and o_undo_callback to go back to the previous state,
redraw the original objects, and then return again, but I had no success
(the o_undo_callback misses the selection, so the copy command doesn't
continue anymore). If anyone has a suggestion, please let me know.
    - When rotating, the attribute auto placing routines fail when
calculing the object boundings (specially with a selection of multiple
objects). I think it calcules the selection's boundings instead of the
single object. I had no time yet to look at this.

  * multiple copy command was added: now the user can copy a selection
multiple times without reselecting it.

As always, testing, reports and patches are welcome. 
Hope you like the changes!


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