I did a quick and dirty el-cheapo conversion of symbols/font/*.sym to become monospace (same width each character).

It currently looks like http://mazzoo.de/geda/cheap_monospace.png and no characters are centered yet.

As width I chose 32 units, however two chars were wider before.
The '@' was 36 units before, and the AE from AE-lig.sym (Æ if that UTF8 gets through) was even 39 units wide. Still I think both look OK in a 32 width style.

Is anyone interested in centered chars? I can do it then.

patch: http://mazzoo.de/geda/cheap_monospace.patch
font-dir as tarball: http://mazzoo.de/geda/font.tar.bz2

lets discuss the usefulness and sideeffects however

I had a strange observation with that AE-lig.sym:
I open AE-lig.sym in vim and copy'n paste that 'AE' char with the mouse to the "Add Text" field in gschem, and can propperly add a single character as seen on the above screenshot.

However when I put two of the 'AE'  in the textbox and click apply I get:

(process:19901): Gtk-CRITICAL (recursed) **: gtk_text_buffer_emit_insert: assertion `g_utf8_validate (text, len, NULL)' failed

Actually it crashes when I move the mouse over the edit-pane.

[still in IRC on code sprint day]

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