I am having problems with hiearchy.

I want to have a hiearchy with an inout bus and a couple in and out
pins.  So, I created a symbol and associated schematic, counter below.
The symbol has pins, and a source attribute.

I have (component-library "./") in my ~/.gEDA/gafrc.

I created a schematic, below, placed the symbol with the source
attribute edited to counter-1.sch.

Hiearchy->Down Schematic complains it cannot find counter-1.sch.
Hiearchy->Down Symbol brings up the symbol for editing.
Hiearchy->Up returns to the top level schematic.

The only place this symbol exists is './'.  When I edit the symbol and
save it, it changes the file in the local directory.  When I edit the
top level schematic and save it, it changes the file in the local
directory.  When I edit the symbol's schematic and save it, it changes
the file in the local directory.

What am I missing?


====== gschem.log ==========================================

gEDA/gschem version 20060123
gEDA/gschem comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.

Read system-gafrc file [/usr/local/share/geda/system-gafrc]
Read ~/.gEDA/gafrc file [/usr/home/tomdean/.gEDA/gafrc]
Did not find optional local gafrc file [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/gafrc]
Read system-gschemrc file [/usr/local/share/geda/system-gschemrc]
Read ~/.gEDA/gschemrc file [/usr/home/tomdean/.gEDA/gschemrc]
Did not find optional local gschemrc file [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/gschemrc]
Read init scm file [/usr/local/share/geda/scheme/gschem.scm]
Did not find specified /usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/gafrc file 
Opened file [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/test-equipment.sch]
Searching for source [counter-1.sch]
Could not find [counter-1.sch] in any SourceLibrary
Cannot find source [counter-1.sch]
Saved [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/test-equipment.sch]
Searching for source [./counter-1.sch]
Could not find [./counter-1.sch] in any SourceLibrary
Cannot find source [./counter-1.sch]
Saved [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/test-equipment.sch]
Searching for source [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/counter-1.sch]
Could not find [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/counter-1.sch] in any SourceLibrary
Cannot find source [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/counter-1.sch]
Documentation for [,FREQ_CTR,,counter-1.sym]
Saved [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/test-equipment.sch]
Did not find specified /usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/gafrc file 
Opened file [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/counter-1.sym]
Saved [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/counter-1.sym]
Did not find specified /usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/gafrc file 
Opened file [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/counter-1.sym]
Saved [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/test-equipment.sch]
Searching for source [counter-1.sch]
Could not find [counter-1.sch] in any SourceLibrary
Cannot find source [counter-1.sch]
Searching for source [counter-1.sch]
Could not find [counter-1.sch] in any SourceLibrary
Cannot find source [counter-1.sch]
Searching for symbol [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/.//counter-1.sym]
Did not find specified /usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/gafrc file 
Opened file [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/counter-1.sym]
Searching for symbol [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/.//counter-1.sym]
Did not find specified /usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/gafrc file 
Opened file [/usr/home/tomdean/cad/work/counter-1.sym]

======= toplevel =================================
v 20060123 1
C 9700 21000 1 0 0 counter-1.sym
T 10100 22700 5 10 1 1 0 0 1
T 10900 22700 5 10 1 0 0 0 1

======= counter-1.sym ==========================================
v 20060123 1
P 0 500 300 500 1 0 0
T 0 500 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 0 500 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 0 500 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 400 500 5 10 1 1 0 0 1
B 300 0 1500 1600 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
P 2100 800 1800 800 1 0 0
T 2100 800 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 2100 800 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 2100 800 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 1000 800 5 10 1 1 0 0 1
P 0 1100 300 1100 1 0 0
T 0 1100 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 0 1100 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 0 1100 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 400 1100 5 10 1 1 0 0 1
T 400 1700 8 10 1 1 0 0 1
T 200 2000 8 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 200 2200 8 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 500 1400 9 10 1 0 0 0 1
Freq. Counter
T 1200 1700 8 10 1 0 0 0 1

======= counter-1.sch ======================================
v 20060123 1
C 20800 36000 1 0 0 7400-1.sym
T 21100 36900 5 10 1 1 0 0 1
C 22400 38200 1 0 0 busripper-1.sym
C 22400 38000 1 0 0 busripper-1.sym
C 22400 37800 1 0 0 busripper-1.sym
C 22400 37600 1 0 0 busripper-1.sym
C 19600 36600 1 0 0 input-1.sym
C 19600 36200 1 0 0 input-1.sym
C 22300 36400 1 0 0 output-1.sym
U 22600 38400 22600 37500 10 0
U 22600 37500 23100 37500 10 0
T 22500 37200 5 10 1 1 0 0 1
N 22000 37800 22400 37800 4
N 22000 37600 22400 37600 4
N 22100 36500 22300 36500 4
N 20400 36700 20800 36700 4
N 20400 36300 20800 36300 4
C 18600 37700 1 0 0 74164-1.sym
T 20300 40400 5 10 1 1 0 6 1
N 20600 37900 21200 37900 4
N 21200 37900 21200 38200 4
N 21200 38200 22400 38200 4
N 18600 37900 18600 37400 4
N 18600 37400 21400 37400 4
N 21400 37400 21400 38000 4
N 21400 38000 22400 38000 4

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