Hello all,

Thanks too much for yours answers.

David Rowe escribió:
> On Thu, 2006-08-31 at 21:40 +0200, Rubén Gómez Antolí wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm looking for a analog waveform viewer for gnucap which I'm doing a
>> practical exercizes for power electronics subject.
> I use octave (a matlab clone) for plotting, it comes with most linux
> systems:
> [...]

I have install octave in this machine, and I read "octave recipe" from
ngspice [0], but with gnucap, how to do it?

If I use octave, I need to know how to use octave, it is too pretty when
you have time to learn octave, this is not my case.

And, if anyone doesn't want to learn a mathematical app for use gnucap,
what is the solution?

There are any example about gnucap simulation output and to use with octave?

I need to dive in octave doc to analyze waveform outputs?

There are not alternative? There are no GUI for do that?

Do you think that student came from "other o.s." stop to learn octave
for use EDA linux apps? I think not.

Sorry about my hard words, I choose linux and powerpc machine and it's
my election and I pay for his consequences, I'm choose freedom and GNU
filosofy, I'm not worry about learn "the hard way", but this is normal?

One of the section of my practical exercizes is write a manual about EDA
with linux, and my teacher doesn't happy about the "console use", do you
understand me?

> It doesn't have a mouse interface for zooming.  However it can format
> plots nicely and you can add arbitrary code to process the waveform (for
> example scale, or extract and plot just the parts you want to see).
> [...]

I try the three options comment in list for mouse interface with no sucess.

> I have used Octave (and Matlab) for lots of modem and speech signal
> processing work.
> - David

Thanks so much and sorry about my "annoyance". I'll heard your opinions.

Salud y Revolución.


[0] http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/octavespice.html
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para no atar mis manos con las cadenas del soft propietario.
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