DJ Delorie wrote:

However, the two oscillators tend to self-synchronize.  If I let it
run, one LED is on and the other is off.  If I put scope probes on the
buffered outputs (pins 6 and 8), I can see that the oscillators are
running, they're just in lock-step.  Not even out of phase.

If I put a scope probe on either feedback line (pins 1 or 13), they
drop out of sync and the two LEDs pulse back and forth (about 17Hz).

Also, if I put probes on both xor outputs, they drop out of sync, too.
Sometimes they stay unlocked if I remove the "on led" led's probe but
leave the "off led" probe there.

Ideas?  The only thing I can think of is inductive or capacitive
coupling, but at 400 Hz?

Welcome to the world of injection locking. That's the name for what you're seeing. There have been a number of papers published describing conditions in a good bit of detail. Some TV's used injection locking for some of the sync circuits. I see papers with injection locked frequency dividers from time to time in IEEE JSSC.

The bottom line is an oscillator can be extraordinarily sensitive to signals around its fundamental or harmonics and subharmonics of that. It takes a very small amount of coupling.

My guess is that it is supply coupling and probably the culprit for much of the supply coupling is the internal layout of the inverter chip. You may be able to get some relief by making sure you have a really low impedance at the supply pin at 400 Hz (and several harmonics of that) but I'll bet thats not quite enough.

Unfortunately, this circuit wants the two oscillators to be very close in frequency to get visible flashes, but that is also the very recipe for injection locking.

I guess you could try using 1M and 0.001 uF with the idea of reducing currents in the output driver. I wouldn't bet the farm on that but you might get lucky. And just to cast some doubt on this having any chance of working... I'll bet that what happens is, both oscillators are nearing a transition. The first one to get there causes some fairly fast edges and it glitches the internal supply. Even with 0 ohms presented at the supply pin, you still have bondwire inductance and resistance and on chip inductance and resistance. This glitch is likely enough to wiggle the threshold enough to cause the 2nd oscillator to switch too. And now both oscillators will hit the next transition at about the same time. The first one to get there will cause the 2nd to transition.

I think the only real cure is 2 packages with attention being paid to decoupling their supplies from each other.


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