On Thu, 2006-09-21 at 10:14, ptay wrote:
> Vaughn Treude wrote:
> > pads into something the program would understand.  It sure would be cool
> > if you could create pads using the rectangle tool. 

Thanks for the suggestion.  I actually did do a couple of them by the
text method, but it was time-consuming for me - I make mistakes pretty
easily in that mode.  I have been editing the text files after I use the
GUI to create them, because I don't  know how to make the GUI number the
pins correctly.  :-)


> There is the sheet explaining the footprints I read to learn the 
> footprints ... you learn it and writing footprints by hand is pretty 
> easy until you get up to parts with dozens of pins.
> You want to read the section called "pad" in the document 
> "land_patterns" found on this page:
> http://www.brorson.com/gEDA/
> You write the footprints in text and achieve an incredible level of 
> control and precision.  After doing a few footprints the process becomes 
> second nature (or close).  Save the text files as name_of_footprint.fp 
> in your personal footprints directory.
> best, phil
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