
>The schematics printed with gschem used to have a very elegant and polished 
>style. Now, after having upgraded to the latest and greatest version, I notice
>that graphic lines (including component symbols) are much lighter/thinner than
>nets, thus degrading elegance and readability. The problem is not with the net
>being thick but with the lines being thin. Is there any way to revert to the 
>previous graphics style?

        Hmmm.. I would have expected the previous release's PS output
to also have thin lined graphic lines and slightly thicker nets.  I too
would be interested in seeing the PS output that you think is correct
(from the past) vs the incorrect ps output (last release).  Either way,
we should make sure the two versions match more or less.  Thanks for
looking into this MikeJ.

        Thanks for the report.


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