On Sat, Sep 30, 2006 at 05:07:19PM -0400, Joshua Boyd wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 08:11:47PM -0500, David Carr wrote:
> > You can actually do without the binary only kernel modules. I use a GPL 
> > tool called xc3sprog to program my Xilinx fpga devices. Do a quick 
> > google and you'll find it. It only officially supports Spartan 3 devices 
> > but I was able to make it program a Virtex II Pro as well. Let me know 
> > if you need some help getting it set up.
> I finally gave it a shot.  What I found was that it did not work with my
> Spartan 2 board.  It might be worth trying with my Spartan2E board
> (actual product, not experiment board), but I don't have high hopes.
> I guess I will have to either setup a RHEL4 machine or else buy a
> Spartan 3 board.  Can any one confirm that this program works with
> Spartan3Es? 

Sorry to reply to myself, but I think I found another approach.


This describes how to make the Impact kernel module work with any 2.6

They say to ignore the bundled WinDriver, but the link they provide for
getting windriver seperately is broken so I tried the bundled
windriver.  They both compile, but the windrvr6.ko won't load for me
[  514.004730] windrvr6: no version for "struct_module" found: kernel
[  514.007970] windrvr6: Unknown symbol class_simple_device_add
[  514.009876] windrvr6: Unknown symbol class_simple_destroy
[  514.012382] windrvr6: Unknown symbol class_simple_device_remove
[  514.014752] windrvr6: Unknown symbol class_simple_create

So, partway back to the drawing board I guess.


That is a long set of directions for fixing an issue that appears to be
similar to mine.  They say that it is for 2.6.16 and newer, but the
symptom is the same as my symptom (2.6.15 from Ubuntu here).  I don't
have time to implement it at the moment.  I figure I will try it with
what I got, and if that doesn't work perhaps also upgrade to 2.6.16 and
try again.

I don't have time to follow through on that now though.

Joshua D. Boyd

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