
I don't believe these small segments are due to the autoroute process. I see them a lot and I've never used the auto-router. I believe they can occur when: You add a line containing several segments with snap to pins and pads turned on. This can put a short (< 1 grid long) segment in the line. Then if you move or delete one of the longer line segments attached to short segment the short segment can be left behind. If it is under a pad or via, it is of little consequence to the photoplotter, but is still seen by the DRC. Sometimes moving a segment next to an off-grid segment like this will make a mess as it moves the line segment on the far side of the short segment. (This appears to be an issue caused by the vertex selection code - see the mailing list archives [] where this was brought up a few months ago.)

As you've found, turning off pads and or vias, and drawing with line filling off can let you see these hidden "features" and delete them.


Peter Baxendale wrote:

3. Sometimes when DRC reports "copper areas too close", I go to the
coordinates specified in the message and I cannot for the life of me
find anything closer than 10 mils. (And I still have it checking for 5
mil spacings.) Does DRC sometimes get fooled into thinking that
connected lines should be separated?  Or am I misinterpreting the

I've seen similar things with auto routed tracks. Sometimes, if I zoom
right in and play about with layer visibility a bit I can see a very
small piece of track under/over a via. Deleting this makes the drc error
go away. I assume these bits of track are some kind of artifacts of the
auto route process. I don't know why this should produce that particular

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