Here's a picture of what I'm trying to accomplish :

Switching frequency is around 500KHz - edges may be fast, but I'm not yet sure how fast. I've been simulating with 1ns rise/fall time, but that number isn't based on any hard data.

In simulation, this arrangement works - but I am now certain the lid will blow off the mosfet :-) Next step is to try to use the voltage divider at the gate.

Dan, are you saying that the Cgd will allow the fast transient input to couple to the output? Interesting - I didn't think about that. That sort of thing should show up in simulation, I expect. There's some small signal mosfet's from ON semi - just ran across them this morning. The Vgs max is +/-6V, and the gate has built-in transient supression ( http://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/NTA4153N-D.PDF ). Maybe good? I need to look closer.

yes, Cgd can allow a fast transient to couple to the output. It is more of a concern if you have a much larger input than output (like you do) and a following circuit which is not tolerant of that.

Ok, dumb question to follow here.... Why even bother with the level converter? Is there a way to size your filter components to allow you to drive 50 V directly? Obviously you have to watch out for transients. If nothing else your particular circuit looks like a voltage divider would work quite well, just replace R1 with a series R to the 50V and a shunt R to ground. Size them to give 4.12k looking back into it and to give the required attenuation.


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