Dave N6NZ wrote:
John Griessen wrote:

There are a couple of python cad programs with open source to look at
that do some .ps and .dxf output, and no importing.  Pythoncad and cadvas
source code might be helpful in learning curve to get PCB to write out .dxf.

From an overall work flow perspective, it might make sense to start with gerber previewer and add .dxf output to that. That way, all pcb layout programs are enabled, not just PCB. (Just thinking of my compatriots in the Homebrew Robotics Club -- quite a few different pcb layout programs are represented.)

that would be useful. My guess is once someone were to acquire some dxf-fu that a dxf exporter for pcb would not be that hard.

The entirety of the gerber exporter for pcb (including comment and blank lines) is 990. Of that, a fairly good bit could probably be reused (i.e. you need many/most of the same functions, just the internals need to change).

I actually started such a thing a long time ago but looks like I didn't get very far. I think I got stalled in the "learn about how dxf works" phase.


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