Steve Meier wrote:

I think at this point, in order to avoid confussion.

1) That gaf and pcb need to state if they consider the distributed
symbols and land patterns to be code.
I have never considered land patterns to be code. I'd be perfectly happy for a font-like exception being clearly stated for the outputs of pcb (gerber, ps, screen capture etc.) for those (few) symbols/footprints that I've created.

The real trouble is that the symbol libraries have been contributed by many different people. It will be very hard to figure out a complete list of who contributed what. I think that there are very few if any footprint/symbol contributors who would object to such a license clarification, but locating them all for verification will probably be quite troublesome. I believe I discussed the issue with Thomas many years ago and he didn't think of the libraries as code either. One solution would be to gut the libraries and start over. That could have the advantage of raising the quality and reliability of the library too (but greatly reducing the count too).

For me personally it's never mattered because I've considered the libraries to be so error prone that I've always made my own footprints anyway.


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