On Mon, 2007-02-05 at 18:10 -0500, Jeremy Pedersen wrote:
> >Check out the whole gaf tree.  Run "make" and follow the directions,
> >then "make install".  It all works together very nicely.  There's a
> >couple of environment variables you have to set. 
> I take it that's in CVS. I've not really used CVS before, but I
> suppose I could give it a shot.

Take a look at the instructions on the page:
http://geda.seul.org/developer.html it explains all the prerequisites to
building gEDA.

In the first directory you get into with a Makefile, (the toplevel
makefile), type "make", and you get some instructions.

There is some output which you can just copy-paste (and execute) in your
shell to set the environment variables as appropriate.

By default, the CVS checkout will want to build in your home directory,
e.g. /home/myuser/geda.

If you prefer /usr/local, try "make prefix=/usr/local".

> What environment variables am I most likely to need to set?
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH? That sort of thing? 

Yep, that and PATH, and for building, PKG_CONFIG_PATH.

If you use /usr/local, you may be able to skip setting these before
running geda, so long as your /etc/ld.so.conf (or /etc/ld.so.conf.d/...)
contains a line "/usr/local/lib".

After installing libraries, you can run the command "ldconfig" as root,
to pick up the new libraries. (It may work without, but I can't


Peter Clifton

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