Don't use the CD yet.  I haven't updated it, and I won't update it
until Ales does the next release.  Your best bet is to learn how to
install from CVS.  It's not hard.  Here are instructions for gEDA/gaf:

and for PCB:

Have lots of fun,


On Fri, 16 Feb 2007, Craig Niederberger wrote:

Thanks super.  I intend to yum remove geda-* and pcb-* and then install the
latest version.  What's the best way to do that?  Get the iso from  That's what I did last time before
installing with yum.  Is there an easier or better way?  Not sure how to use
CVS, as I'm not a developer on a multiple developer project, and haven't
used that tool previously.
Many TIA,

On 2/16/07, DJ Delorie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks super.  I had gone to the yum install, as when I originally
> built and installed gEDA I could only get it to work in my home
> directory (didn't seem to like the Fedora setup).  Is this newer
> build easier to install system wide on Fedora?  Any pointers?

I install both geda and pcb in ~/geda from CVS, and it works just

For system-wide, install in /usr/local/bin or /opt/geda

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