On Mar 7, 2007, at 3:17 AM, David Fang wrote:
There is hope in opening the eyes of windows users, you just have to win
them over gradually with little demonstrations.  Demonstrate to your
audience solving simple problems in UNIX one at a time. Emphasize using
the right tools for the right jobs.  Show them how to compose smaller
solutions into larger ones, e.g. connecting pipes, find, xargs. Show how
actions can be saved in shell scripts and Makefiles for re-use.  You
have to demonstrate the benefits of *productivity* before the lights will
go on.

I agree...however, there seems to be a certain class of people whose eyes just glaze over when you show them something like that.

No, upon thinking about it further...those are the very same people whose eyes glaze over when they're asked to think about ANYTHING, or learn ANYTHING new.

I used to be no better than a "Windows user", being a sucker for the
Apple Macintosh way -- prety interfaces, menus, and point-drag-click.
Ironically, every Mac I touch these days starts with Terminal sessions and
shells -- thank you, darwin.

I also agree 100%...I'm typing this on a G5 with about fifteen shell windows open!


Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL

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