Hi, I'm having trouble with the installation, but I don't know if this should 
be posted here....I just downloaded the new version 20070221 of gEDA and I was 
wondering how I can install it as root.  I can't find anywhere on the site 
where it limits the installation to just users, but when I try to install this 
as root, I get the following message:

////// Cut from Installation Log  ///////
First check if I am running as root.


==============  Error!  ======================

I have experienced a non-recoverable error
while performing your installation and must die now.
A string describing the error is shown below.
Also, please review the log window for more clues about why I am dying,
then click the "OK" button to close the install program,
and try to fix the problem.

Note that you can try to run the installer with the "--log"
flag set.  This will leave a file called "Install.log" in
your run directory holding all compilation spew generated by the
installer as it works.  You can use this file help debug the install problem.

You should not run this installer as "root".  Please log in as another user and 
try again.

 ////// End Cut  ///////

My previous version (20060124) did not have this problem...i was able to run it 
from the CD-ROM simply be double-clicking the installer.exe icon (I'm running 
openSUSE 10.2).  This seems like a trivial thing and I can't find any kind of 
information telling me to install it as a user other than root (in the docs or 
the geda-bugs message threads).  I don't want to create a new user (I don't 
feel I should have to), but if i need to, I guess I'll have to.  I'm just 
curious as to what changed between the two.  I know it's been a year between 
the versions that I have, but the installer itself shouldn't change.  BTW, I 
have had all of the main software packages installed...I was able to begin 
installing the material with the other version, so I believe I have all of the 
necessary system packages installed.

If this isn't the place to post this, I'm sorry about that...please send an 
email to the entity I should post this too.  I really would like to get these 
tools working...I think this suite is very good idea; I just can't get past all 
of the semantics (you know, the installation).

Anyway, Thanks in advance

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