go look in your /tmp directory for unintentional back ups

Mikael W. Bertelsen wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 17, 2007  14:01, DJ Delorie wrote:
>> If you edit the .pcb file and remove all the Rats[] entries (they're
>> all at the end) it will at least load.  However, all the layer
>> information is missing, so you'll have to re-add all the layers and
>> redefine the layer groups.
> Well, I guess the old saying "Men don't take backup, they cry" is up for
> it now...
> If I take a look at the bright side, this incident did convinced me to
> finish my backup script which takes an hourly snapshot. Backup is not
> so bad after all.
>> Do you have a save file in /tmp, or in the same directory as the
>> original file but with '-' appended?
> I saw that there was some backup files placed in /tmp, but not the ones
> I needed :-(. But thanks for the suggestion.
> Thanks for the help!
> Cheers,
> Mikael
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