Hi all, I just set up a second system with gEDA from the cvs repository, and
gschem and pcb are working fine.  Gschem finds my custom library gschem-sym
without problems.  However, when I run gschem2pcb project, with project

elements-dir ~/gaf/pcb-elements
schematics ershad.sch
output-name ershad

I'm getting these errors, and the footprints aren't appearing:

Component [lm1117.sym] was not found in any component library
Component [RCM4000.sym] was not found in any component library
WARNING: Found a placeholder/missing component, are you missing a symbol
file? [lm1117.sym]
WARNING: Found a placeholder/missing component, are you missing a symbol
file? [RCM4000.sym]

Any ideas how to fix?

Many thanks,

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