That is so cool. I can't wait to see it with say tabs.

On 4/5/07, Peter Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm playing with producing a "page tree" to operate with libgeda /
gschem, so the hierarchy or content of a page can be seen easily.

In addition to being "nice", it allows certain data-structures to be
visualised (ensuring they are correct), and is a nice test-case for
hooking libgeda to update a window as design modifications take place.

A preliminary screen shot is at:
(The contents of the tree shown is a mock-up).

Double-clicking on items in the page tree should open them - and perhaps
there could be a right click menu too - with more options.

Clicking on a net-name should highlight all the connected pieces on the

Very impressive.

Some annotation needs to be added to components - so you can see if they
are embedded or not.


What views / information could / should be presented in this browser?
(Are there any other types of object we need to see listed? - I know I
missed buses - should these come under "nets"?

I might suggest that it also have the ability to search for a given
object or value in the tree.
What would be really really cool but very hard would be to add a
search with connection or relative location to another.
I would also add further subcategories because I can see that getting
very cluttered. For a large digital design it would be nice to group
all the 0.1uF caps.

Is this useful to real users - or just as a test of libgeda hooking?
(This will determine how much effort is put into polishing it)

I would use it but I would like to be able to turn it off when dealing
with subcircuit blocks. I never get that complex.

Should sub-circuits expand hierarchically in the browser? (My instinct
is "no" for now.

I agree that would lead to a real mess and defeat the purpose of
having subcircuits. They exist so you can just deal with larger


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