In the immortal words of Homer Simpson, "Doh".  Thanks super, Steven and
Steve.  For those who might encounter this on a search for tragesym and slot
(as I), here's the correct snippet--N.B. seq refers to a repeated pin, not a
cluster of pins, and "none" out all of the invisible pins:


#pinnr  seq     type    style   posit.  net     label
1    1    out    line    r        out
2    2    in    line    l        in-
3    3    in    line    l        in+
4    4    pwr    line    t        V
5    3    in    none    l        in+
6    2    in    none    l        in-
7    1    out    none    r        out
8    1    out    none    r        out
9    2    in    none    l        in-
10    3    in    none    l        in+
11    5    pwr    none    b    GND    GND
12    3    in    none    l        in+
13    2    in    none    l        in-
14    1    out    none    r        out


On 4/6/07, Steven Michalske <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The comment markers in front of your slotdefs


On Apr 6, 2007, at 7:57 PM, Craig Niederberger wrote:

Thanks super, Steve.  I'm dense.  I can't seem to get tragesym to work for
multiple slots.  Here's a snippet...


# tabseparated list of pin descriptions
# pinnr is the physical number of the pin
# seq is the pinseq= attribute, leave it blank if it doesn't matter
# type can be (in, out, i/o, oc, oe, pas, tp, tri, clk, pwr)
# style can be (line,dot,clk,dotclk,none). none if only want to add a net
# posit. can be (l,r,t,b) or empty for nets
# net specifies the name of the Vcc or GND name
# label represents the pinlabel.
#       negation lines can be added with _Q_
#       if you want to add a "_" or "\" use \_ and \\ as escape sequences
#pinnr  seq     type    style   posit.  net     label
1    1    out    line    r        out
2    1    in    line    l        in-
3    1    in    line    l        in+
4        pwr    line    t        V
5    2    in    line    l        in+
6    2    in    line    l        in-
7    2    out    line    r        out
8    3    out    line    r        out
9    3    in    line    l        in-
10    3    in    line    l        in+
11        pwr    none    b    GND    GND
12    4    in    line    l        in+
13    4    in    line    l        in-
14    4    out    line    r        out

What I am doing wrong?

Many thanks,

On 4/6/07, Steve Meier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Craig,
> from the 7400-1.sym
> numslots=4
> slotdef=1:1,2,3
> slotdef=2:4,5,6
> slotdef=3:9,10,8
> slotdef=4:12,13,11
> slot=1
> This tells us that this symbol has 4 slots.
> The pins for slot 1 are 1, 2 and 3 and for slot 2 they are 4, 5 and 6.
> The graphical pins themselves have an attribute pinseq=3. This tells us
> that that particular pin has its pin number replaced with the third pin
> number in the desired slotdef.
> for example, slotdef=4:12,13,11 the third pin is pin 11
> When you select the symbol after it is dropped into a schematic you may
> set at the schematic level a slot attribute. For example slot=2.
> Best Wishes,
> Steve Meier
> Craig Niederberger wrote:
> > Could someone please explain how to use slot= & slotdef= in tragesym
> > for symbols with multiple identical components in a symbol/chip?
> >
> > Thanks super in advance,
> > Craig Niederberger
> >
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