On Fri, 4 May 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No matter how I install gEDA on Debian 4 (Etch), the only things that work are the schematic editor and a viewer for gerber files.

Please be a little more specific.  How do you run the tools?  From the
command line?  And what do you mean "only things that work"?  Which
programs fail, and how do they fail?  Do they say anything when they fail?

I have used aptitude, and the iso and still just have these tools.


Which version of the ISO?  What did it say when you ran it?

I am using the tools menu to switch applications.

What tools menu in which program?  How did you start it up?  From teh
command line?  Some icon?

Is there a terminal method which can diagnose what has gone wrong?



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