Hi Folks!
I've completed my first pass at converting Bill Wilson's tutorial from
HTML syntax to dokuwiki syntax.  It may be viewed at
http://www.geda.seul.org/wiki/playground:playground.  I wrote a perl
script to do the conversion and have attached it for your
entertainment.  I don't know if I hate perl because I don't understand
it, or if I don't understand it because I hate it, but the script
basically does what I hoped it would do.  There are some obvious
cleanups that need to be done, and I'm pretty sure that I don't have
the permission I need in order to upload Bill's pictures to the wiki,
but I'd appreciate any feedback.  If there are any systematic issues,
please let me know and I'll try to modify my perl script to address
them.  (Better yet, send me the modified perl script :-))

Please don't edit the playground and expect it to have any lasting
effect -- that's why it's called a "playground".  If I don't hear from
anybody in the next couple of days, (or if I do, and I can make the
requested changes), I'll go ahead upload it to the main portion of the
wiki, where it can be maintained by the community at large.

Hopefully by then Ales will give me permission to upload images.


Attachment: proctut.pl
Description: Perl program

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