On Thu, 10 May 2007 23:38:36 -0400, al davis wrote:

>>  At my university
>> day-job the absence of a windows version is a major obstacle to move
>> from eagle to geda.
> That's sad.  Any university that is exclusively windows is doing a grave
> disservice to the students.

The institution does both: Windows and Linux (*). Individual researchers 
do not --- Some like to have their desktops running the latest windows. 
Others prefer the linux way. Eagle is readily available for win and lin. 
gschem and pcb are not. This is why I was experimenting with virtual 
machines to provide a version that the windows users can run, too. 
Unfortunately, I got stuck in the details.


(*) Plus the usual amount of more exotic machines like servers running 
solaris, or a BSD desktop. 
Kai-Martin Knaak

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