You may remember that I planned to distribute geda+pcb on virtual 
machines to local students. This was not appreciated. A stripped down 
linux machine turned out to be even more challenging to a windows user 
than a full featured desktop environment :-|

Today, I tried to build the electronics tool chain under cygwin. Thanks 
to the concise instructions in the wiki I got the geda tools to work 
under cygwin. 

But with pcb I did not even get the configure script done. The build 
script in the win32 dir fails to find the gd-library. In particular it 
insists, that there it cannot find gd.h. Yes, I double checked, that it 
is installed at the place where the build script says it looks for it. 
The gdlib-devel package from cygwin didn't help either. 

Any hints anyone?
I'd happily take a binary version of pcb too. 
Kai-Martin Knaak                              
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik      tel: +49-511-762-2895 
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover                    fax: +49-511-762-2211
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