On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 16:50:51 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:

> In the latest pcb, you can at least "lock text" to keep you from picking
> the refdes.

Cool. Is this feature already included in the cvs version Peter C. posted 
last week? (pcb-1.99v.tar.gz)
How would I take advantage of it? I didn't see any lock-text item in the 

> Feature request.  I suppose we could do it like we do lock text, with a
> lock pins or something.


>> ---<(kaimartin)>----- Kai-Martin Knaak                             
Universität Hannover,
>> Inst. für Quantenoptik      tel: +49-511-762-2895    Welfengarten 1, 

> Why does your mailer un-paragraph-ize these things?

The address should line up cleanly. 
If I read my own posts on some other computer, but still usenet style in 
gmane everything seems to be fine. Maybe the trouble happens at the 
interface of gmane and mailinglist. 
No. Thunderbird also keeps a clean layout. Maybe you have a rewrap 
feature enabled? Anyway, I will remove all instances of tab characters in 
the sig. The sig certainly below won't be garbled ;-) 

Kai-Martin Knaak

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