My suggestions....

first change edit system-gafrc in my case found as

adding the line

(component-library "./sym")

then in your project directory add the sub directory sym

next make symbols for each io bank and for configuration and for power,
save the ones you might want to change for project and layout reasons in
the project/sym directory.

if you have 4 i/o banks then you will have six symbols.

this is a good starting point. but only a starting point.  you might
find that you want to sub divide a io bank into a couple of symbols.
this is why i like to put such symbols into a project directory.

then follow the suggestions of the others.

By the way I am expecting a board partially assembled tomorrow with a
pair of 1020 pin altera stratix ii fpga. damn well we have already found
one land pattern issue which will cause a spin of the board, not because
of the altera, in stead the issue is an ethernet chip.

best wishes,

Steve Meier

Stefan Salewski wrote:
> Hello,
> is it possible and useful to divide a gschem symbol with very many pins
> in multiple smaller symbols?
> I plan to make a pcb-board with a FPGA chip which has 208 pins. The
> device (Spartan-3E) has four banks -- so it may be a good choice to
> divide it into 4 sub-symbols?
> I think I have seen schematics with divided symbols, but I am not sure
> how to do it (with tragesym or djboxsym) and if gEDA can handle this at
> all?
> Best regards
> Stefan Salewski
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