On Wednesday 27 June 2007 13:07:20 Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jun 2007 lynx.abraxas-KuiJ5kEpwI6ELgA04lAiVw wrote:
> > I'm  new  to  gEDA  and my problems start already with the titleblock.
> > With my vanilla installation there is already a  titleblock  in  gschem
> > although  the tutorial  says  insert one.
> The automatic titleblock is a fairly new feature that didn't make it into
> the tutorial yet. I just changed the wiki version accordingly.
> (http://www.geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial)

The tutorial still talks about refdes-renum, but the attribute renumber tool 
now in gschem is pretty good (keystroke 'tu').



Electronic Systems Engineer
Integral Informatics Ltd

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