On Jul 4, 2007, at 12:37 PM, Peter TB Brett wrote:

> On Wednesday 04 July 2007 20:30:47 Andy Peters wrote:
>> On Jul 4, 2007, at 12:05 PM, Peter TB Brett wrote:
>>> On Wednesday 04 July 2007 20:00:44 Andy Peters wrote:
>>>> On OS X 10.4.10, Intel, I get a segfault when attempting to load a
>>>> previously-created schematic file (one made with the old fink
>>>> snapshot).  Here is the gdb session:
>>> Hi there,
>>> A backtrace would be useful. ;)
>> I'd love to provide one ... if I knew how!  I'm a gdb dummy.
>> I notice that it also crashes with a segfault if I create a new
>> schematic and try to save it.
> That's not good.
> In gdb, wait until it crashes and then type "backtrace".  If you  
> could make a
> bug report with all this information (platform, version, steps to  
> reproduce,
> and backtrace) that would be great.
> Also, please provide (attached to the bug report, 'cos they'll be  
> huge) the
> following:
> - config.log for libgeda and gschem
> - output of "make -s clean install" for libgeda and gschem

OK, I've submitted a bug report. It's request #1748079.  I've  
attached the files that Peter has requested.


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