On Sun, 2007-09-16 at 17:43 -0300, Cesar Strauss wrote:
> Cesar Strauss wrote:
> > Ben Jackson wrote:
> >> Duncan Drennan wrote:
> >>> This can be especially frustrating with attribute dialogues that keep
> >>> drifting off the bottom of the screen, and have to be dragged back to
> >>> a useable place.
> >>>
> >>> I'm running gschem on cygwin.
> >>>
> >>> Anyone else seeing this?
> >> Yes, gschem on cygwin as well.
> >>
> > 
> > I think it's a bug in Cygwin/X multi-window mode, triggered by new code 
> > in gschem that restores the dialog positions.
> > 
> The attached patch contains a workaround: show the dialog before 
> restoring its position.
> The patch is also available in the patch tracker:
> [ 1795879 ] Fix for dialogs drifting downwards on Cygwin/X
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1795879&group_id=161080&atid=818428

This will have to be tested against various different window managers.
It took a fair bit of iteration to get the previous version to work
without visual artifacts when presenting windows.


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