If I have made a change to a footprint, is there an easy way to update
a layout that uses that footprint, the way gschem can update embedded
symbols?  That is, replace the element on the layout with the new
footprint, using the same position and rotation.  (Obviously, a DRC
check would be highly advisable after doing something like this.)

I recognize that I could do this manually, but that sounds like a lot
of trouble.  If anybody has already scripted this, that would be very
helpful.  It seems like it should be possible, since the original
footprint name seems to be stored in the pcb file (at least when it
was put there by gsch2pcb, which is how all of mine get there).  In
the worst case, I think some cut & paste with a text editor on the pcb
file is probably easier than trying to do it manually in the GUI and
get everything lined up properly (at least for newlib footprints -- m4
is not friendly to cut & paste).  Am I right?  Copy and paste the new
footprint, copy in coordinates and rotation from old footprint, remove
old footprint?  And the coordinates within the element seem to be
relative to the element's base coordinates and rotation, so nothing
else to do, right?


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