> > #      Layer("topcopper") (
>         Layer (0) (     <-- use layer numbers to by-pass the trouble of
> determining the layer names.

Those aren't names, those are type flags.  There's a limited set of
"layer types" that PCB will know about, such as:

Much like we use strings for flags elsewhere, we use a string here
too.  (I've posted the patch for this, but haven't committed it yet)

The drawing routines need to be switched to type-based logic instead
of name-index-based logic, of course.  Maybe I'll work on that at the
code sprint.

> I don't know how terrible this would break the file format, the
> Attribute is there already.

It's there for elements and boards, but not pins or pads.  And those
are stricly text, so they'd have to be parsed separately.  I hadn't
thought of using them that way, though, I suppose it could be done in
a pinch.

> And I don't know if the parse expects attributes attached to a pin.

It doesn't.  Elements and toplevel only.

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