> * Where are the defaults for ps output set? I always need a4 rather
>   than letter, multipage output, etc. --- Feature request: Add a print
>   related preference page.

pcb --help

ps options:
 --psfile <string>              Postscript output file
 --drill-helper                 Prints a centering target in large drill holes
 --align-marks                  Prints alignment marks on each layer
 --outline                      Prints outline on each layer
 --mirror                       Prints mirror image of each layer
 --fill-page                    Scale board to fill page
 --auto-mirror                  Prints mirror image of appropriate layers
 --ps-color                     Prints in color
 --ps-bloat <num>               Amount to add to trace/pad/pin edges (1 = 1/100 
 --ps-invert                    Draw images as white-on-black
                        media type
 --psfade <num>                 Fade amount for assembly drawings (0.0=missing, 
 --scale <num>                  Scale value to compensate for printer sizing 
errors (1.0 = full scale)
 --multi-file                   Produce multiple files, one per page, instead 
of a single file.
 --xcalib <num>                 X-Axis calibration (paper width).
 --ycalib <num>                 Y-Axis calibration (paper height).
 --drill-copper                 Draw drill holes in pins / vias, instead of 
leaving solid copper.

Options map directly to configuration names in ~/.pcb/settings, for
example, mine has:

xcalib = 1.0040
ycalib = 1.0034

You could putting this in there:

media = A4
multi-file = 1

> * eps output will print pads and pins pitch black, regardless the pin
>   color set in preference.

eps/ps require that colors are specified as #RRGGBB (like #6699aa) as
they cannot reliably parse color names (like "red") without the GUI
running (i.e. script mode).

My eps pins and pads are medium grey.

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