On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 10:22 -0300, John Coppens wrote:
> Hello all.
> I don't want to sound unappreciative of all the work put into gEDA a
> particularly in PCB, I do appreciate it.
> Only, I wonder if someone uses the latest PCB (20070912) and it works for
> him/her? There are a lot of issues with cursor movements etc, which make
> it basically unusable. I've tried CVS, but it responds the same. I filed
> a bug against PCB, but, appart from a confirmation from another user
> reporting the same, I had no reaction to the report. (bugs 1796016 and
> 1796012 - though the last bug hasn't reappeared yet).
> I've started to try and analyze how the program works, but it is somewhat
> beyond my programming skills... Still, I'll have another go. Maybe someone
> can indicate where to start looking?

Here is a tarball of patches I applied to the CUED version of the last
PCB release.

They fix most of the bug I found with cross hair movement on the back of
the board, and provide some defaults I thought were more appropriate for
our use.

Dan knows about the cross hair issue (it is fixed better in CVS than the
last release anyway), and I also told him about the auto-pan getting the
direction wrong on the back of the board.


Note that they are "dpatch" patches for a .deb build.

You'll need to copy the "patch" looking bits out of them, and apply

Bandwidth availability (my own) has lead to not all of these fixes being
pushed upstream although they have been posted here before.

Best wishes,

Peter Clifton

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