On 11/2/07, Wojciech Kazubski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > For logic symbols I use a separate power/gnd symbol.
> > I have a script that creates the power symbols and removes hidden nets from
> > the existing gschem logic symbols ---
> >
> > http://www.luciani.org/geda/util/util-index.html#create-np-symbols
> >
> What about the following idea?
> 1) Replace "net=xxx" attributes from all symbols winh something other, like 
> "power=xxx" (an automated tool may use "power=" attributes  to guess what 
> power symbol to use or create)
>  or
> 2b) use small tool that will look for "power=xxx" attributes inside the 
> symbol and add suitable external "net=xxx" attribure, possibly renaming VCC 
> net from TTLs and VDD from CMOSes to +5Vd or so if user wants this.
> Recently I had some problems with connecting VSS power supply of 4000 series 
> CMOS chips to the ground net named GND. Simply connecting two power symbol to 
> ground doesn't work.

In the power symbols I use there are no net labels so each pin can be
attached anywhere.

For the logic parts I put all of the power symbols with their decoupling caps in
one section of the schematic. If you use a script to connect up the
power how do you communicate the connection information to the person
viewing the schematic?
It seems like it could get confusing in a system with multiple
isolated supplies.

(* jcl *)


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