On Sunday 04 November 2007, Richard Rasker wrote:
>  but got stuck when
> Mandriva couldn't fulfil one of gwave's dependencies.)

Can you explain?

How are you installing? Mandriva packages?  from source?
What error messages do you get?

gwave does have some compiling issues. I had trouble compiling 
it, so I just use the Debian package.

On Sunday 04 November 2007, Richard Rasker wrote:
>  It seems Mandriva is simply incompatible,

Sometimes it might seem like that, but I doubt if it really 
is "simply incompatible".  From what I see, the primary 
differences between distros is in their configuration and in 
what is pre-packaged for them.  If you want something that 
doesn't have a package, it is more work, sometimes annoying.

Is there a Mandriva maintainer here, reading this?

One advantage of Fedora, Suse, Ubuntu, or Debian is that the 
gEDA related packages are well maintained, and the maintainer 
is here, reading this list.

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