Hi Peter,

I installed now git and want to get the last release of the gEDA suite. 
Is there one release tag for all components? Could I "checkout" with one 
command all last releases? Sorry, I have no idea which structure you 
have in the projects so I have to ask. And I have never used git before. 
  Only cvs and svn on my desk until now:-)

If there is one checkout command for all last stable versions, please 
give me a hint! Thanks!


> On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 14:59 +0100, Klaus Rudolph wrote:
>> Hi,
>> the latest CD Rom Image I found is dated from Feb. 07.
>> I like to compile the complete stuff from the sources and will normaly 
>> not use rpmĀ“s. My linux system is very old so I have sometimes a lot of 
>> trouble with newer rps and dependencies.
>> Is it possible to create an actual cd rom image the next days? Getting 
>> all sources manually is a hard job :-)
> I'm not sure about the CD, but if you want bleeding edge (or any release
> you care), you could checkout over the net from our source-code
> repository..
> git clone git://git.gpleda.org/gaf.git
> There is a toplevel makefile which you can use to build all of gEDA
> (much faster than having to ./configure and make each of the 8-10 or so
> subdirs worth of release tarballs.)
> If you aren't developing (for which you'd want to ask git to make a
> branch), you can just checkout a particular release:
> e.g.
> cd gaf
> git checkout 1.2.0-20070902 
> (or "git checkout master" to get back onto the local branch created
> during checkout).
> "git fetch" will retrieve code-changes from the server, and "git pull"
> from your master branch should merge them into anything you've
> committed. (Actually, it will probably do the fetch for you too).
> Best wishes,

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