
It's been some time since gerbv experienced any updates.  To this end,
several months ago, Ales and I have agreed to help the original gerbv
developer, Stefan, shoulder the work of maintaining and developing the

Several patches had accumulated for gerbv over the last 1 1/2 years.
Now, at long last I have applied a couple of the patches (i.e. those
which worked) and committed them into the CVS repo in the

Now I'd like to appeal for some help.  Specifically, I'd appreciate it
very much if folks could assist me in the follwing ways:

*  I tested the latest gerbv stuff by compiling the program with the
patches and looking at a couple of Gerber files (both mine and some in
the "examples" directory).  However, we need  more exhaustive testing.
I would appreciate it of some people could grab the latest gerbv out
of CVS, verify that they can build it, and then try looking at a few
of their Gerbers to check that everything still works.

There are several versions of gerbv in the sourceforge repo.  The one
you want is the STABLE_1_X branch.  Get it using a command simiar to

cvs co -v STABLE_1_X_branch gerbv

As usual, info about dealing with SF is available on this page:

Please let me know if you experience any problems when testing gerbv.

*  If you have any devilish gerbers which test some arcane Gerber
corner-case feature, and you can share them with the world, please
e-mail them to me and I will include them into the "examples"
directory for use in testing as we move forward.

*  If you had submitted patches to gerbv over the last 1 1/2 years,
and had based your patch on a development branch of gerbv, there is a
good chance I did *not* apply your patch.  The reason is that there
are several conflicting branches in the gerbv tree, and the
developement branches are badly broken (i.e. won't compile at all).

Therefore, I'm making the (possibly unpopular) decision to require
that patches be submitted only against the STABLE_1_X_branch as we
move forward.  The reason is that none of the maintainers have the
time or global view required to sort out all the conflicts which have
crept into the development branches.  Over the course of time I intend
to clean out the many different branches which are currently in the
gerbv tree.

Accordingly, if you have previously submitted a patch, please update
from cvs (per above) and rebase your patch off of the
STABLE_1_X_branch and resubmit.  This will help everybody keep the
gerbv project on the rails.

If you are badly burned by this policy, please feel free to resolve
all the conflicts between the stable branch and the development branch
yourself, and submit patches.  You may also e-mail me with any other
idea to support both me and your code.  I am not trying to
disenfranchise anybody, or throw away anybody's work, but OTOH I do
not have the time or capacity to sort the different branches out
myself, and therefore need your support to keep gerbv moving forward.

*  After a few weeks for testing, I intend to release a version
1.0.3.  Please watch this space for info about the next gerbv release!


sdb (AT) cloud9 (DOT) net

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