On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 02:51:45AM -0500, DJ Delorie wrote:
> (FTDI232R) ...
> mini-B connector has an extra pin, and ground is on pin 5 instead of
> pin 4 like all other USB connectors.

Ok, now you've got me ohming out my mini-B connectors...

> This board also used the global
> puller, as I was able to coerce it to give me useful results.

Do you have pics of that?  I'd like to see what a board meant for the
global puller comes out looking like.

> The DIP adapter is a two-layer board.  However, I did it using two
> separate SS boards, taped together.  This lets me line up the two
> etched boards after etching, instead of before etching.

When I etch two-layer boards I line up the two transfer papers and make
a "pocket" for the board.  You can use a light table or just a strong

> The USB board is a home-etched four layer board.  Yes, four.

Ok, you've GOT to put up pics of that.

> The tricky part is the vias.  What I ended up doing is drilling big
> holes in the outer layers before taping them on, then drilling small
> holes through the full stack.

I considered this once, but decided it was too crazy.

Now since you're obviously crazy, it's just a matter of time before
you email the list with the subject "home hole-wall activation and
through-hole plating"!

> Plus, it would have
> gone better if I could have had different size copper (or no copper)
> on different layers based on connectivity.

Most PCB packages allow you to specify different clerances for inner vs
surface layers.

> I had to print each layer separately,

I always export to PS and end up hand-stitching the PS together and
then converting to PDF.  With a few tweaks to the PS exporter, this
could be automated.

[btw, you got me thinking about my current 4 layer board and what it
would be like to etch at home -- just did a drill report and I have
482 15mil vias...]

Ben Jackson AD7GD

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