On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 06:11:21PM +0000, Peter TB Brett wrote:
> On Monday 26 November 2007 12:39:39 Dan McMahill wrote:
> > I believe he was wanting to use LaTeX to format equations and have 
> > those appear in a gschem schematic.  For example on a block diagram, you
> > may wish to have a block labeled $\frac{K_I}{s} + K_P$ and use LaTeX to
> > process that into an onscreen bitmap and embedded eps to be used when
> > printing the schematic.
> Not to say that this wouldn't be pretty cool! :)

There is a piece of existing software that processes arbitrary
postscript and replaces selected text with TeX output.  I only
used it a few times, and I can't remember the name, sorry.

   - Larry

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