Stuart Brorson wrote:
> This discussion is very prescient.  Dan and Julian have been
> instrumental in helping me beat gerbv into shape over the last two
> weeks.  I plan on releasing a new version with 1 1/2 years of patches
> applied.  I hope to release tomorrow or the next day, depending upon
> my time availability.

I'm very happy to hear that gerbv is being actively developed again.

> Moving forward, we have a lot of good ideas for what to do with
> gerbv.   Also, ideas folks have posted here should go into the gerbv
> feature request tracker on SF:
I can post my ideas there.

> Finally, please keep in mind that submitting patches will go a lot
> further than submitting feature requests.
I fully understand that.  For me, its a matter of picking my battles. 
There is a huge list of projects to which I *could* contribute, in 
addition to the ones to which I am already committed. In the mean time, 
I will log my ideas and be patient.

> I will put hacking notes into CVS real
> soon to help others figure out how it works.

Good, for me, the choice of which project gets my focus sometimes comes 
down to the quality of the developer documentation and willingness of 
the other developers to answer questions.


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