Robert Butts wrote:
> I'm trying to install gwave-20060606 on my system which is Fedora 7, 
> i386.  I created a temporary directory and unpacked gwave.  I configured 
> gwave with no faults but got 2 make errors.  I have attached two text 
> files, the ./configure output and the make output.. 
> Thanks

configure failed:

checking for guile-gtk CFLAGS... Backtrace:
In /usr/bin/build-guil

  105:  0* (define-module (build-guile-gtk) #{:use-module}# ...)
  105:  1  (eval-case (# #) (else #))
In unknown file:
    ?:  2  (let ((m (process-define-module #))) (set-current-module m) m)
    ?:  3* [process-define-module ((build-guile-gtk) #:use-module (#) ...)]
    ?:  4  (let* (# # # #) (beautify-user-module! module) (letrec # #) ...)
    ?:  5* (letrec ((loop (lambda # #))) (loop kws (quote ()) (quote ()) 
(quote ())))
    ?:  6  [loop (#:use-module ((gtk-1.2 config)) #:use-module ...) () ...]
    ?:  7  (let* ((interface-args #) (interface #)) (and (eq? # #) (or # 
#) ...) ...)
    ?:  8* [apply #<procedure resolve-interface (name . args)> ((gtk-1.2 
    ?:  9  [resolve-interface (gtk-1.2 config)]
    ?: 10  (let* (# # # #) (and # #) (if # public-i #))
    ?: 11* (and (or (not module) (not public-i)) (error "no code for 
module" name))
    ?: 12  [error "no code for module" (gtk-1.2 config)]
    ?: 13  [scm-error misc-error #f ...]

<unnamed port>: In procedure scm-error in expression (scm-error (quote 
misc-error) #f ...):
<unnamed port>: no code for module (gtk-1.2 config)

Try running:

build-guile-gtk cflags

once you figure out how to make that work, you'll be good.  My guess is 
perhaps you have more than one version of guile installed and the wrong 
guile is being picked for build-guile-gtk.  You may have to muck with 
your PATH to pick out the right one.


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