The PCB DRC tests for 'shrink' compliance by looking for copper areas that
stop touching if you draw the individual parts smaller by 'shrink' mil.

My question is:  Is this a realistic model of how manufacturing 'shrink'
would really affect overlapping copper areas?  What first led me to notice
this was a via I placed which overlapped a SMT pad.  The annulus of the
via was solidly over the edge of the pad.  The DRC would complain, because
in its model, the annulus could shrink AND the pad could shrink and the
result would not touch.  If I connected them with a wire, I was okay.
Rendered as 'ideal' sized pieces, the overlap of the via and pad was
wider than the connecting wire, but since the code modelled the pad and
via as capable of shrinking independently, the wire was required.

So if you imagined a square pad made of up four adjoining squares (easy
to do with polygons, in fact), the result is indistinguishable onscreen
from one BIG square, but the DRC thinks that due to manufacturing, the
sub-squares could shrink individually and quit touching.  Is this really
true?  Or should any copper areas (regardless of how they came to be)
shrink only around the outermost periphery?

Ben Jackson AD7GD

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