DJ Delorie wrote:
>> Is there a reason why PCB's DRC pops a modal dialog for every violation 
>> and refuses to move forward?  That is... ummm.... tedious...
> Because nobody had change it yet.  We've talked about creating a "drc
> layer" that's populated by the DRC engine and then managed through the
> GUI.

That's an interesting thought. I could imagine a layer populated with 
little flags, with a "mouse hover" pop up that displays the DRC 
violation at that point.  The involved pads/tracks/etc could be 
highlighted along with the pop-up.  That beats my idea for a summary 
listing window in several ways.

>> Would it be difficult to re-engineer DRC to operate in a batch mode?
> If you can figure out what to do with the results, probably not.

Not sure I understand your comment.  But if you're asking how to manage 
the data, then I think that the relevant information for a DRC violation 
is plopped into a struct and threaded onto a linked list.  Various forms 
of viewing and navigation can be run off the list -- one view could 
populate the DRC layer, another "view" might be a function that reports 
a summary count to the message log ("9 DRC errors found.")


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