On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 06:36:45PM -0800, Steve Meier wrote:
> I am becomming more and more a proponent of heavy symbols or even a data
> base then can generate heavy symbols. One of the really nice things
> about geda is its tollerent or flexible and that heavy symbols could
> easily be implemented. So the question is... is there enough support in
> the geda community to create a heavy symbol library?

I've been noticing this whole heavy vs. light debate for a while, but
not really following it.  A heavy symbol is something that is fully
specified, including footprint, right?  Does that go all the way to
particular manufacturer part numbers?  A light symbol would be what
the majority of the included library is right now -- generic symbols
with no footprint specified, using generic pin assignments (which
sometimes do not agree with reality for certain parts), right?

Personally, when I need a "heavy" symbol, djboxsym does the job in a
jiffy.  (Thanks, DJ!)  I use resistor, capacitor, diode, etc. symbols
from the included library, and pretty much everything else comes from


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