On Dec 2, 2007, at 7:40 PM, Peter Clifton wrote:
> This is getting less "useful", but more pretty..
> http://www2.eng.cam.ac.uk/~pcjc2/geda/gerbv_GL.png
> This uses Cairo to render into a memory buffer, and then we use  
> that on
> a GL context created with GtkGLExt. This allows 3D perspective  
> views (if
> we want), and potentially introduces a way to bypass slow rendering.
> Whilst zooming (in at least), it is possible to use the same textures,
> letting OpenGL zoom right in, and then redraw the texture at this
> resolution (I've not tried to implement this yet, I'm just  
> rendering at
> reasonable resolution once, then using that).
> This isn't so helpful with zooming out unfortunately, as we don't
> particularly want to cache a texture of the whole board at very fine
> resolution.
> I mainly knocked this up to play with some OpenGL coding, and as a  
> test
> for a 3D SpaceNavigator "joystick" (6 axis, used for navigating 3D
> objects / worlds).

   For what it's worth, I think this is amazingly cool.


Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL
Farewell Ophelia, 9/22/1991 - 7/25/2007

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