There would be a ten million part library for resisters if you rrestrict
yourself to a flat file format that limits the expression of the data so
that it can't capture "natural regularities of that universe of components "

Which was my point and why DJ got a bingo for the db reasoning. Yes
heavy and flat is reminicent of a particular character from the movie
animal house. "being fat dumb and drunk is no way to go through life."

But engaging in anorexic behavior to avoid the preceeding idea is also
no way to go through a design cycle. Or one of my favorite Alaskan
climbing quotes is from a conversation I once had with a character named
Carl Tobin.... I said, the common idea from alpine climbing is to go
fast and light. Carl responded in Alaska we say... "Go fast and heavy".

Steve Meier

Martin Maney wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 09:56:41AM -0800, Steve Meier wrote:
>> I also agree that flat files really arn't a good way to capture a lot of
>> relevent information. I shudder thinking about a library of 10 million
>> resistors one for each manufacturor each package, each value etc.
> This reminds a little of something I stole for the sig-quote database
> (which is just a bunch of flat files, as it happens, but nowhere near a
> million of them <grin>):
>   "This is like making a car shorter by cutting off a few inches
>   from each end with a Sawzall.  Of course there's little benefit,
>   because that's a dumb way to do it."
> There would be ten million resistor symbols only if you ignore the
> natural regularities of that universe of components.  This does require
> a little more logic, to apply the reduced volume of tabular data
> appropriately.
> And, yeah, those things are a little ad-hoc.  And some things will be
> so much their own weird thing that they do need a totally unique
> description per part.  <blink>So it goes.</blink>

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