al davis wrote:
> On Thursday 06 December 2007, Steve Meier wrote:

> Steve also said this in private mail (I hope you don't mind my 
> repeating it in public):
>> I actually think that one of the rather remarkable things
>> about geda is the use of a macro language to generate the
>> output.
>  .... repeated because I agree with it, strongly.
> On Thursday 06 December 2007, John Doty wrote:
>>  I have no strong preference as  
>> long as the result retains gEDA's flexibility.
> ... also repeated because I agree with it, strongly.
> Those last two points are so strong that if the format fails to 
> meet either, it must be rejected.

So, guile/scheme has macro capability enough, but isn't much like m4...
That's not a problem, is it?

John Griessen


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